Moving In
Moving Day!
So, the day to move into your new home is fast approaching! It’s an exciting time but there’s a bit to do before then, like giving notice on your rental property, packing, arranging insurance, re-directing your mail, arranging power, phone and internet as well as rallying a gang of friends and family to help you move!
Thankfully The First Home Buyer’s Club has Moving Hub to help you take care of much of this in one simple step. Find out more about how we can help here
Insurance – Protecting what’s important!
You will need to arrange full cover insurance for your new home – this is required by your lender to protect their interest in your property.
We recommend that insurance be arranged well before settlement date, as you won’t be able to settle unless your solicitor can confirm to the bank that an insurance policy is in place. Insurance can be obtained via your bank, an insurance provider, or via an Insurance Advisor. We recommend shopping around to get the best policy and remember the best policy is one that provides you with the best cover, as well as price.
The First Home Buyers Club can arrange a quote for you – simply complete the form on our
and we’ll arrange someone to give you a call and provide you with an obligation-free quote over the phone.
While life insurance is not required by your lender we strongly recommend that you consider obtaining some cover. This is especially important if you have a partner and/or children. Consider what would happen to your loved ones if something were to happen to you? How would they pay the mortgage? What would happen to their lifestyle? Would they need to sell their home?
Remember also the best time to get insurance is when you think you don’t need it! Life happens to all of us and often as we age health conditions can occur which can preclude you from being able to obtain life insurance.
Again, at the First Home Buyers Club we can assist in arranging some obligation-free quotes for you – simply complete the form on the Insurance Quote page and we’ll arrange for an Insurance Advisor to get in touch! -
You may wish to consider taking out some income protection insurance to cover you in the event of redundancy or illness. Income protection insurance provides peace of mind and can cover you in the event of a serious illness or redundancy. To arrange a quote, simply tick income protection on our Insurance Quote form.
What happens if I don’t have a will?
The Public Trust advises the following:
This is called dying intestate. If you die without a Will your estate will be distributed according to the Administration Act 1969. The distribution rules vary dependent on:
• Whether you are survived by a spouse or partner
• Whether there are children
• If your parents are still living
For instance
• if your spouse/partner survives and child/children are also living; the spouse/partner receives all personal chattels, $155,000 and 1/3 of the remainder and the child/children receive the remaining 2/3
• if your spouse/partner and parents are living but there are no children; your spouse receives all personal chattels, $155,000 and 2/3 of the remainder, and your parents receive the remaining 1/3
Legal expenses and time delays are usually greater where there is no Will. There may also be doubt over who will administer your estate.
Before you make a will it is a good idea to consider a number of things, relating not only to your personal effects and property but also any wishes you have regarding your funeral.
Thanks to Mcveagh Fleming for use of this document
Writing a Will
Now that you are a property owner, you should have a will. Your solicitor will be able to assist you with this. While none of us like to consider our own death, life does happen to all of us, sometimes sooner than we might expect. Having a will ensures that your loved ones don’t suffer the additional anguish of having your home and property go intestate, which is what happens if you die without a will.
Other Handy Tools
Re-Direction of your Mail
You can arrange for re-direction of your mail via NZ Post by either popping into your local post shop or doing it online – to register you will need a valid Driver’s Licence. Click here – Fees do apply
You can also get some free change of address post cards to send to family and friends from your local post shop
Moving Companies
Need help with shifting? Get free online quotes from Smartmove – Click here
Phone and Internet
Consumer has a free website called Tell Me. This site will help you compare plans for landline and calling, home internet, mobile phone, mobile internet and pay TV services, or a combination of up to four of these.
Click here
Arranging Power
Check out the best deals at https://www.powerswitch.org.nz/powerswitch
Get all your services connected IN JUST ONE EASY STEP!
Fast Connect is a nationwide utilities connection service that is FREE to use.
When you move, FAST CONNECT can arrange to disconnect and reconnect your electricity, gas, telephone and internet. They also arrange Sky TV, insurance, lawn mowing and cleaning.
Moving house is becoming increasingly difficult and time consuming. There are more companies to deal with, longer phone queues and less time available. Fast Connect offer an efficient connections service to get everything ready at your new home.
Why use Fast Connect:
Fast Connect know how stressful moving can be, so not only do we connect all your utilities in one simple step we also have some amazing benefits and promotions to make the move that much cheaper and easier!
What we connect:
Electricity, Gas, Telephone, Broadband, Sky TV, Insurance, Lawn Mowing and Cleaning
How to apply:
Click here to apply online, FREE call 0800 88 55 99 and quote reference 2033Z and we’ll arrange it all IN JUST ONE EASY STEP!
Land Rates
TIP: We recommend working out your land rate costs in line with your pay cycle (ie weekly/fortnightly/Monthly) then set up an automatic payment. That way your rates are always up to date and you’ll avoid those costly overdue penalties!
Join the First Home Buyers Club for FREE!
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